Ni kisah aku dan Nuke masa balik lepas nonton wayang cerita The Dark Knight (lagi?). Time tu (jam 10 lebey) aku ngan Nuke pown gerak la balik menaiki motokar dia, di tengah perjalanan pulang, dia kate nak isi angin di tayar. Aku pun kasik greenlight, lagak nyer cam aku bos, dia driver (gurau Nuke, sumpah aku gurau). Pastu kitorg pun pandu kearah stesen minyak shell yang berdekatan. Mula2 kitorg try pam angin pertama, pam tu rosak pulak, so drive ke arah pam angin bertentangan. Nasib baik pam tu tak rosak. Nuke dengan suka hati nyer keluar dan isi angin tayar. Aku stay dalam kereta, takut lepas dengar cerita pasal perompak2 merompak tuan kereta semasa isi angin. Dalam kepala hotak aku pikir kalau Nuke kene rompak, aku drive kereta dia bawak larik. Maybe lari ke IPK berdekatan dan melaporkan kejadian itu ngan tuan polis kat sana. Sengal.
Lepas Nuke selesai isi angin tayar semua, kitorg pun teruskan perjalanan pulang. Masa nak keluar dari stesen Shell tu, ade seorang akak ni, tiba-tiba dia ader kat depan depan kereta kitorg. Nuke emergency braked kereta, pastu aku motioned kan tangan aku kasi dia jalan, it looked like I present the world for her to cross. Akak tu, nampak aku buat camtu, berhenti kejap depan kereta, senyum nampak gigi sikit, pastu touched her hair, then waited for like 5 seconds before she walked away. Aku cakap dengan Nuke, apehal ngan akak tu? Pelik... Nuke gelak sakan. Aku cadang suro Nuke langgar je akak tuh, tapi Nuke masih waras lagi.
Aku memikirkan perkara tu sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke rumah. Kenapa akak tu buat macam tu?
Kisah Satu Malam
Posted by fr34kshow at 16:35 4 Shoutouts
Don't drink and sleep
Izwan selepas menonggang
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 00:00 4 Shoutouts
Labels: Announcement, Food, Member2
Al-kisah binatang
Ok, so malam smalam, lepas bukak puasa, aku dok dpn PC, tonton The Mighty Boosh aku terlelap. Tetiba dtg si Ninja ke bilikku dan aku terkejut. Aku yg tgh mamai, di hentam ngan soklan yg bertalu-talu, blank terus. Ninja yg cam nk emo pasai aku x reply soklan dia kuar ngan prasaan kecewa (maafkan aku ninja, aku time tuh br bgn, tgh mamai, sumpah). Then ntah ape jadah phone aku mendendangkn lagu The Fire by KsE membingit kn tlinga aku. aku sent busy tone kat dia, padan muke. Pastuh si B lak buzz aku kat ym, tny ape activity mlm tuh. Aku time tuh dh agak dia nk ajak shisha dh. Gut feeling kot... So plan shisha dibuat on the spot. Aku msg si Nakiwa, tny busy x? Dia replied: "nk brasap? tunggu aku abes meeting". Haiz... dasar katak asap sekor2. (Ini bukan citer binatang yg aku nk citer, so bear with me till the end of the post)
Kat kedai uncle liverpool, lps order shisha, nk layan kn pale, aku ngan B usha2 awek, Nakiwa ngan Ninja dok tgk Planet Binatang yg mamak tuh bukak. Aku sampai skang xpaham asal uncle liverpool tuh ske benar tgk Planet Binatang.. Tgh syiok2 usha awek, si B suro aku tgk amoi kat dpn kitorg, pastuh tgk apek kat seblah amoi tuh. B jeles pasai apek tuh bermanje2 ngan amoi tuh. Aku dok tgk je lar. Pastuh dh sangap, kitorg sumer tgk Planet Binatang. Time tuh Planet binatang tgh dok tyg citer pasai K9 neyh. Tetiba si B open citer, :"aku nk bela hamster." Start dr situ bermula lar conversation tade makna yg membawa ke 1 perjanjian bodo si Nakiwa. Dari citer pasai hamster, masuk ke citer K9. Dlm citer K9, sekor2 dok tny pasai musang, serigala, camner nk bela, leh bela ke x, klau nk bela kene ader lesen ke, etc. tgh dok citer2, Nakiwa bersuara, "aku nk bela babi lar.." Sumer dok terkejut, ape gile mamat neyh? Aku lak cam wtf? layan sungguh shisha neyh sampai si Nakiwa stone abes lps br 1st tarik. Pastuh si Nakiwa asik dok citer dia nk bela babi, kitorg lak dok layan kan, citer camner nk samak la ape la... pastuh dia kate, time dia kawen nnt, dia nk label kn makanan bufet yg bakal dia buat ngan label babi. Jauh mamat neyh pikir... Dia kata nnt dia nk label kn lauk daging kurma, ngan ayam masak merah ngan babi kurma, ngan babi masak merah. Aku dh tataw ape nk dikate, so aku pown layan kan ngan men-suggestkn dia taruk pale babi olok2 kat meja mkn pengantin sebagai penyeri suasana meja sambil sebijik epel disumbat dlm mulut babi olok2 tuh, cam Chef ramsey kate nyer. Pastuh citer nyer citer, Nakiwa ckp nnt dia nk wat majlis kawen dia kat Alasaka, dimana dia refuse tuk g ke tpt majlis naik kreta benz, tp nk naik sleigh sambil di tarik 10 anjing alaska ke sana. Aku tny dia jauh tuh nk g alaska, dia kate xpe. Tambang naik plane sponsored. So aku pown cam looking forward to it lar.. Tp dia nk kekal kan plan setan nya utk melabel kn lauk pauk tuh nnt. Dia kate, nnt leh suro katering tuh masak 1 tray tuh jerk, save cost, leh bwk ramai agey sedara mare sahabat andai ke alaska nnt. Aku iye kan jerk. Sekor2 dh bantai gelak cam nk mampos jerk aku tgk. tp xleh lawan ader meja blah kanan kitorg, yg dak2 nyer terdiri drpd org2 yg bajet cool, gelak beramai2, wat tpt tuh cam opah dia nyer tpt, pastu x respect org lain nk bincang pasai hal kuarga ke, hal skolah ke, hal opis ke. haiz... Sambung balik kat meja katak2 stoner td, si Ninja ajak g tgk zoo mlake at night. Mlm tuh terpaksa di henti kn ngan flavour shisha yg dh abes, dan aku ngan rahim dh sakit perut. Diarhea kot... (tp leh bantai shisha agey? nok aram)
Dasar katak2 stoner
Friday, September 12, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 11:00 0 Shoutouts
Bahasa English
Ok, so now on, I will use Bahasa Malaysia to write in my blog...
Why u ask? Well, I just realized my bahasa is going downhill as I don't use it much because i'm trying to improve my english, but exception when I'm having conversation with those Indo students in my class cuz I couldnt understand what are they sayin when they use english with me,except this cute indo chick. She speaks perfect english, way better than me.
Bla bla bla, from now on, I'll use both english and bahasa in my blog. So sorry to the folks who dont get bahasa. Anything, my shoutouts box is there, waiting for u to put ur questions and all...
Posted by fr34kshow at 03:16 0 Shoutouts
Labels: Announcement, Experimental
This Kid!
Ok, so one question. When u're in a queue to buy some stuffs from the counter or maybe just to queue to take a bus, was there any person behind u seemed to be in hurry more than u, but just to buy the same stuffs or take the same bus, and gave u the pressure to move faster? I don't know bout u, but I really pissed when somebody do that to me.
Let me tell u my story. It was 1st August night. Me, Ninja and Ramlee went to the MBO to watch The Mummy: The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. That was alright. We first went to the automated ticket buying machine. So we arrived late, and the good seats were all taken, then we were having trouble to get "semi-good seat" (lol). While we were still figuring out which seat to take, then out of nowhere there were 2 mid 40s couple behind us, and the husband suddenly said to us: "Ticket ada lagi ke? (Are there any tickets left?)". Me, still doing some thinking with Ramlee were like, politely answered him. After that the guy was like scold us to be hurry. When I heard that, I felt my blood rushing to all of my blood streams. A sign that I'm getting pissed. That was still cool. The guy mumbling with his wife, then he said : "Budak Ini! (This Kid!)". Pergh!!! What the FUCK?! At that moment, I felt like smashing his face with the chair besides me. Swear to God. But I kept my cool, and got 3 terrible seats!
One thing I wanna say here, didnt mean to be disrespect or anything. I know we took quite some time to decide, but hey, we're like u, we pay to watch the movie. Its not like we're going watch it for free damn it! I didnt enjoy the movie one bit, thanks to that guy! And I'm not a kid! U gotta give some to get some right? (I meant the respect thing kay?) So my advice is, if u came late, just be the late comers. Dont push other people around like u're the only one who wanna buy stuffs. Be patience. Patience is a virtue, ever heard of that? Shit~~
Monday, August 11, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 11:08 4 Shoutouts
Labels: Emo, Member2, Movie, Pissed off
Busy... Busy... Busy...
OK people, so sorry cuz I didn't update anything in this blog... A bit busy with stuffs... I got life too... A very hectic life... I'll update the blog when I got the chances... Promise...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 09:48 1 Shoutouts
Labels: Emo
Tagged by Mad Naz...
I've been tagged by this Mad Naz. Well a man gotta do what a man gotta do right? So here it goes:
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Family. Always the family. U're nothing without ur family!
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Last thing eh? Erm.. Crunchies, a bottle of water.
3) Where do you wish to get married?
Dude, i'm 21. Still a long way to go for this marriage thing man. What the fuck?
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Let there be love. (as in i dunno)
5) Are you in love?
No. R u crazy?
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Dinner eh? Kedai Pakcik Liverpool a.k.a. RSU.
7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Latest book that I bought... hmm... does downloaded version counts?
-How To Do Everything - Digital Camera - 5th Edition
8) What is your full name?
Why would you wanna know my full name? Ok, just my first name. AL.
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both? but more to mother, cuz u know, like they say, "Son closed to mother, daughter closed to the father"
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Only "a person"? Well, if i have to choose, then it would be Ale (thats her nick name). hehe...
11) Christina or Britney?
Britney. Do u see how hot and fine she becomes right now?
12) Do you do your own laundry?
Err, yeah? what the fuck with this question? u wanna do my laundry for me? (addressed to the one who asked me this question)
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
Miami beach? Helsinki? Dubai?
14) Hugs or kisses?
Kisses. u can tell what kind of person by the kisses (well i read about that, but i dont know how to do that)
15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
mad naz:
1) creative
2) emo (last time i checked)
3) in love
4) always busy
5) a freakin' cool guy
16)8 things I am passionate about:
1) movie
2) music
3) latest gadgets
4) appearance
5) cars
6) how to feel good
7) pc
8) girls
17)8 things I say too often:
Things? Not words right?
1) tgh wat pe?
2) movies
3) are u sure (bout something)?
4) jokes
5) what the fuck (to something)?
6) jom sheesha!
7) i love you babe (to someone(s) - girl(s))
8) what makes a BBQ sauce? a BBQ sauce. what makes it hot? a hot sauce!
18)8 books I've read recently:
1) Hacking Exposed, 5th Edition
2) Rich Dad, Poor Dad
3) Lets Learn French!
4) Penthouse July 2008
5) Playboy July 2008
6) FHM 100 Sexiest Women 2008
7) How To Do Everything - Digital Camera - 5th Edition
19)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
Only 8? Damn!
1) Paparoach - The Fire
2) The Spill Canvas - Connect the Dots
3) Buckcherry - Sorry
4) Good Charlotte - Ghost of You
5) Eminem - Guilty Conscience (feat. Dre)
6) Emery - What Makes a Man a Man
7) Apocalyptica - Bittersweet [feat. Lauri Ylönen & Ville Valo]
8) Incubus - Love Hurts
20)8 things I learned last year:
1) Love is not for me (at least until i have a secure job)
2) Always laugh at urself
3) Mind ur own damn business
4) Silence is Golden
5) Loyal to 1, service for all (its a guy thing)
6) Love urself
7) Time is money, money is not enuf, hence, not enuf time to do everything (4 minutes cant save the world, u crazy? btw, i'm babbling right now... dont take it seriously)
8) Always love ur significant other more than the world, and always make girls happy no matter what (based on experience)
8 people to tag
1-8) Anyone
Monday, July 21, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 17:15 0 Shoutouts
The Dark Knight
I think eventhough Christopher Nolan only directed only a few movies, he did a very good job in this movie (not that he didn't do good jobs in his previous works).He's really a visionary man. TDK is not like what I expected before I went to watch it. Something real. Something original.
The casts, what can I say bout the casts?? Well, there's one thing. Why Katie Holmes didn't want to be in this movie? I hope she got a better explanation than the Scientology thing. Not that Maggie Gyllenhall wasn't great, it just that, this movie is better with Katie Holmes. Other than that, everyone else was great. Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman, they all did a great job. Kudos to you all.
What is The Dark Knight without The Joker? Heath Ledger was a really good actor. You know what I meant if you watched The Patriot, or A Knight's Tale, or Ned Kelly, or Casanova, or 10 Things I Hate About You, or heck, The Brokeback Mountain. Too bad he died too soon (I'm sorry), we could have much more of him if he was still alive.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Day in Laksa Shack
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 14:56 4 Shoutouts
Labels: Experimental, Food, Member2
IT Quiz in IT Fair
Ok, so on last Saturday (July 5th), there was an activity called IT Quiz which was held in conjunction with the IT Fair in MMU from July 4th - July 6th. Rahim and me were the committee for the event and we carried out our tasks really good, and everything went really smooth (at least that's what I think). Only the student of St. Francis High School were participated in the Quiz (don't ask me why only them). And team Pink (or their other alias, Crabby Fatty) was the champion of the Quiz.
There were few things that happened on that very day. First the IT Crowd "incident", and the other one was the sudden change of ending which really tripped some of us.
Firstly, the IT Crowd incident.
I was in charged to bring the "between-break" videos for the kids (well, not so "kids", their age ranges from 13 to 17 years old. talk about fair in this game). I thought, "hmm, I should bring the sitcom from Britain called "The IT Crowd" for them to watch, since it was the IT Quiz day.". Me, didn't what I did the night before the event, forgot to screen which episode I should bring. So I took 15 minutes before going to the venue which we should be there at 8. Well everything went ok until the break came. Rubern asked me to play the video and I did. And how foolish I was by thinking that it is cool for the kids to watch something that have vulgar words. After a few minutes the video played, suddenly one of the character said "bitch". Rubern, me, and Cell, was stunned, and we looked at the teacher who brought them there. She stopped laughing for a moment. Then after quite some times, everything went to normal again. The teacher came to her laughing moment again. Then I'm trying to recall whether are there any more dirty words in the video. Suddenly, the sentence "You f...... idiot!! You stupid old f......." hit me. Owh yeah. One of the character will swears to and old man. Not a very good example to the kids right?
I told Rubern, and we both panicked. Rubern and U quickly rushed to the PC to stop the video, and we stopped the video just the right moment before the sentence came out. Talk about close call.
The second incident:
Well, this one I'm not quite sure what happened. But all I know is after we planned every activity that we'll do, suddenly Amar, one of our group mate suggested that we should do a final IQ question which doesn't involve anything about the IT, and we all have to spend our own money to buy a present for the winner. I saw some of the group faces really pissed but didn't say anything. One of the group member telling me that we already came out the ideas, blah blah blah, he should've told us earlier, blah blah blah. I just listened, cause I don't give a fuck bout the extra question. And the funny thing is, they snatched the question from Bruce Willis' movie "Die Hard 3" question and ask the St. Francis students to answer it. I was like, what the fuck? Well, after that, everything was fine. Everyone was happy, especially that one kid who got the answer and won himself a 4Gig thumb drive. Lucky guy (I bet he watched the movie).
Posted by fr34kshow at 00:53 1 Shoutouts
Labels: Event, Excited, Lucky, Member2, Pissed off
CM Punk the World Heavyweight Champion!
Ok, so tonight saw the history made as for the first time ever, the Money in the Bank was cashed in Monday Night Raw. CM Punk, a straight edger finally cashed his Money in the Bank which he won in last WrestleMania 24 in Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium, Orlando. So we've had waited for quite long time for him to cash in the Money in the Bank and made us wonder which WWE brand's champion will he cash-in to. Tonight's our questions were answered.

after he cashed-in his Money in the Bank
After that "little" victory by CM Punk, he was intimadated by JBL, when he was interviewed by Todd Grisham. JBL called it a dishonored winning, because Edge was defenseless, and wanted to show CM how to proper win the World Heavyweight Champion by challenge him to defense his title. But at the end, CM managed to defense his title when Cena and Cryme Tyme came out and confronted JBL's goons, by giving JBL a GTS when he was distracted by Cena and friends.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 01:54 3 Shoutouts
Labels: Excited
EURO 2008 (Aftermath)
Ok, so after some dissing by those haters, I can now assure you that those haters are kept silence until the next EURO Championship. Last Sunday night (or Monday morning if you're in Malaysia), zie Germant were defeated by Spain by 1-0, which scored by Fernando Torres. The last time they won the cup was in '64. So Torres is a hero now. As for the match, the first half was really exciting, a lot of actions and all, but not in the second half as everyone was getting tired. But if anything, Spain won!!!
Posted by fr34kshow at 01:18 0 Shoutouts
EURO 2008
The chronology of matches:
-June 10th: vs Russia (4-1)
-June 14th: vs Sweden (2-1)
-June 18th: vs Greece (2-1)
-June 22nd (Quarter-finals): vs Italy (0-0) *But win on penalties (4-2)
-June 26th (Semi-finals): vs Russia (3-0)
-June 29th (Finals): vs Germany (the match is tonight!)
So me, B and the liverpool uncle are on with Spain winning the match.. So lets just wait and watch the game tomorrow morning. (Xyah g class, latip)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Posted by fr34kshow at 12:52 7 Shoutouts
Labels: Excited
+ another RM 100 in your student fees.
So the Finance Division is planning to impose a RM100/year IT service fee on all students. From there,it will be used to upgrade the Melaka Campus bandwidth from 16 Mbps to 32 Mbps. Besides, some of the portions will be used for the maintenance of the IT service in the campus, like the MMLS systems, the course registration systems, the wireless service in the campus, and other online systems.
Ok, my question is, why in the hell that we, students of MMU need to pay for the so called "IT service" in the first place? Isn't MMU is labeled with the university of Information Technology? Well that could make me laugh for the whole day (heck, I'm laughing till my eyes fill with tears now). And the SRC (Student Representative Council, who the president we elected every year and year but nothing good come out from it, well, maybe a little) still trying to get the feedback from the student bout this matter. If you go to the SRC's blog, there are lots of, no wait, ALL of them are disagreed/pissed off/unsatisfied with the matter.
Here are some interesting events happened when the new president of MMU (which was transfered from UNITEN, replacing our beloved Mr. Ghauth Jasmon) since last year:
- The rule of student barring is more stricken (attendance below 75%, barred; lecturers can't do anything; can't even talk with the Dean).
- The additional of RM 100 (yeap, we had this problem once, and it is happening again, are they trying to make it as a traditions or something? Fuck!). This is for the Library maintenance. But later after the SRC had some "talk" with the people upstairs, we just have to pay RM 80. Wow! Reasonable eh? Ha!
- They want to abolish the use of MMLS, but that turned out to be a joke. Some clowns got nothing to do and spread the lies to the students. Really got us there...
So, I can see that, new president, new policy, lot of people trying to get nasty around here, and the new president allowed it. Haiz...
Why can't they just use a portions of the library fees to cover for the maintenance and stuffs?? Too sengal to handle.... Arrggghhh!!!! Tensi... tensi....
Posted by fr34kshow at 12:06 2 Shoutouts
Labels: Announcement, Pissed off
My first post...
Ok... so after some times of scouting, googling and learning (which taken me more or less 6 hours), I, AL, officially have a blog!! And this is my first post... hope that y'all could cut me some slack as i just entered this new age media technology (kudos pour moi)... Cheers!
Posted by fr34kshow at 04:52 0 Shoutouts
Labels: Announcement, Finally